Make Tuition Payment Online

Tuition applications must be approved and on file before tuition can be paid. Tuition applications are available in each school office and in the Student Services Office.

Tuition payments must be paid in full before your child is allowed to attend class.  The Bristol Tennessee City School System is now giving parents the option of using the PayPalŪ service to pay with any major credit card.  It is not necessary to apply for a PayPal account.  However, only verified PayPal account holders may charge more than $2000.  Because the district is charged a fee for accepting credit card transactions through PayPal, a $26 yearly surcharge will be applied per child within the state of Tennessee and $425 for residents outside the state of Tennessee.  Surcharges for a semester will be $13.00 and $212.50 per child respectively.


Carefully select the applicable options below and submit the form.  You will see a confirmation screen before being transferred to the PayPal site.  Be sure to enter the full name of your child(ren) so we may credit the correct account.  For questions related to this process, please email Lindsey Rasnake, or call 423-652-9451.

Number of Children
Residence of Children
Payment Timeframe
Full Name of Children and Name of School